SatAndLight  2.2.2-hubble
Simulation toolkit for space telescopes
Todo List
Member Camera::AddCosmicRay (const double aEnergy, const double aY, const double aZ, const double aCosTheta, const double aSinTheta, const double aCosPhi, const double aSinPhi, const int aSourceIndex=0, const int aParticleIndex=0)

Revisit the 2D distributions for photons and cosmic rays.

Use a separate gain for photons and cosmic rays.

Use dynamic size.
Member main (int argc, char *argv[])
Use different colors for \(\alpha, \beta \gamma\) + legends.
Member Source::TreeWrite (void)
Sort TTree indices to have particle sorted in time.
Member SpecTime::MakeGRBData (TH1D *aLightCurveExp, const double aE1, const double aE2, const double aPhotonIndex, const double aNint, const double aNgal, const double aZ, TGraph *aSurfaceExp, TGraph *aSurface=NULL)
detect binning type and use GetBinCenter() or GetBinCenterLog().
Member SpecTime::MakeGRBModel1 (const double aFlux, const double aEnergy0, const double aAlpha, const double aBeta, TGraph *aSurface=NULL)
detect binning type and use GetBinCenter() or GetBinCenterLog().