SatAnLight main page

The SatAndLight package offers a set of C++ classes to describe scientific instruments embarked on a satellite and simulate a sequence of astrophysical observations. Single elements are simulated separately: satellite attitude and time, telescope elements (optics, geometry, camera...), sources of high-energy photons, etc... They are represented as C++ classes with associated methods. Taking advantage of the C++ class inheritance, these elements can be combined altogether to simulate an end-to-end observation sequence of astrophysical objects. A SatAndLight observation sequence can be saved on disk and be replayed as an input for analysis tools. For this purpose, the SatAndlight packge provides user interfacing methods. Finally, the SatAndLight package includes high-level and highly configurable user programs to generate a full sequence of observation.

Getting started

You can get a development copy of the SatAnLight software suite from git via:

git clone 

The SatAndlight package relies on several external packages:

It is recommended to install SatAndLight with CMT to manage package dependencies. The instructions given in this page are only valid for a CMT-based installation. SatAndLight releases are tagged as vXrYpZ. It is recommended to use the most recent version. The CMT installation of SatAndLight is straight-forward provided that the requirements are met. Go to the cmt/ directory of SatAndLight and type:

cmt config

Then you need to configure your environment every time you want to use SatAndLight:

source cmt/setup.(c)sh 

Building SatAndLight

In this section we give step-by-step instructions to build SatAndLight for UNIX (bash/sh) systems.

# create software directory
mkdir Soft; cd ./Soft

# create environment file (to be sourced for every session)
echo "source `pwd`/CMT/v1r26p20160527/mgr/" > ./
echo "CMTPATH=`pwd`" >> ./
echo "export CMTPATH" >> ./

# install root following the instructions given in
# and source your '' to update your environment

# add root in your environment script
echo "source ${ROOTSYS}/bin/" > ./

# download and install CMT
tar -xzf CMTv1r26p20160527.tar.gz; rm -f CMTv1r26p20160527.tar.gz
cd CMT/v1r26p20160527/mgr/
cd ../../..

# source environment
source ./

# download and compile SatAndLight
mkdir SatAndLight; cd SatAndLight
git clone v0
cd v0/cmt
cmt config

# update environment file
cd ../../..
echo "source `pwd`/SatAndLight/v0/cmt/" >> ./

Program documentation


Florent Robinet - Laboratoire de l’accélérateur linéaire (LAL) Orsay, France - contact
